Singer, Songwriter, and Pianist

MICALL, a dynamic singer, songwriter, and pianist based in Los Angeles, consistently captivates audiences with her enthralling melodies, commanding vocals, and masterful lyricism. Each song is a meticulous tapestry that portrays the human experience, balancing vulnerability with resilience in every note. Her music delves into profound themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, resonating deeply with a diverse audience.

From her early days, nurtured by a musically-gifted Middle Eastern family, MICALL bypassed digital distractions for the rich tones of the piano. Writing her first song at just four years old, her journey through music was marked by both personal tragedies and triumphs, driving her to professional artistry in 2021. With three decades of experience, her compositions are rich with authenticity and purpose, blending influences across pop, soul, rock, and a hint of country.

MICALL’s style is undefinable yet universally appealing, her music crossing cultural and musical boundaries with ease. Her tracks are a unique fusion of contemporary sounds, delivering powerful messages through introspective ballads and rock-infused hooks. As she prepares for new projects, her upcoming releases are poised to both challenge and charm, further solidifying her impact on the music scene.

Committed to using her platform for positive change, MICALL's lyrics address pressing societal issues, promoting acceptance and freedom. Her enterprise, Paint A Piano Purple, symbolizes her philosophy of viewing life through a "royal color," turning everyday experiences into artful expressions of emotion.

Harmonies of Heart and Soul

In a world that values authenticity, MICALL stands as a beacon of truth and empowerment. Her music doesn’t just entertain; it inspires and transforms, inviting listeners to embark on a journey of emotional discovery and connection. Get ready to be moved by MICALL’s powerful performances and heartfelt compositions, each piece a lasting imprint on the canvas of modern music.